Thursday, September 2, 2010

Burnt Out

I'm beaten up left and right. My laptop gave up on me just when it's 2 days before thesis defense. School requirements seem to have no end. Hospital duties are exhausting. People dear to me have hurt me. And I'm in a dry season with God.

Inasmuch as I want to say I'm okay...I'll have to admit that I'm not. It's painful and I'm burnt out. I believe that Jesus is my strength, my peace, my fortress, and my ever present help. But even though I say that, it does not exempt me from the struggles. When Jesus was suffering, He called on the Father to take the cup from Him. But He knew in His heart that it was the will of the Father for Him to suffer for the salvation of mankind. It had to be accomplished.

Likewise, though I go through pain and suffering, I know it's God's will. So by faith and with joy, I will go through this valley. As a beautiful song says,

"Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name...

...My heart will chose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name."

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