Tonight was just so awesome. I love The City Harmonic. Eli's (the lead vocalist) prayer before the song "Holy" was just so beautiful. He said something about how the Church was so fragmented and broken inside, but how one day, we'll all be reunited in heaven.
I look forward to that day when we'll all be reunited as one body worshiping God - no divisions, no denominations, no Evangelicals, no Baptists, no Protestants, no Pentecostals - just one church, the Bride of Christ in love with her Groom, just like how it's supposed to be, "...singing holy, holy, holy, is the Lord almighty!"
Brother Yun mentioned in his book, "The Heavenly Man," about how the Chinese church was just united as one body when it first started in the 1970's. People used to just smuggle Bibles in. But then the Westerners started bringing in books about denominations and stuff and that started dividing the church. It's just a sad sad reality. I wonder how God feels about it. His heart must be really grieved and crushed to see the church just divided and broken. :'( It's just sad. :(
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