Monday, May 24, 2010

Little Foxes Ruin the Vineyard

Samson's story in Judges 13-16 should be a warning to all of us. In God's sovereign will, He chose Samson to be His instrument of deliverance (Jdg. 13:5). God required Samson to be consecrated as a Nazirite – that no razor would come upon his head. His source of strength was His consecration.
In these days, many Christians are falling into the trap of the enemy as they allow little foxes in.
"Catch for us the foxes,
the little foxes
that ruin the vineyards,
our vineyards that are in bloom." (Song of Songs 2:15)
The little foxes are the subtle compromises that we tolerate in life. People say,
“I think it’s not too much to listen to some of these songs. Some of the lyrics are a bit off, but some parts are…hhmmm…okay.”
“Oh it’s just nothing. It won’t harm to watch this TV show sometimes.”
“I’m too busy to read the Bible. Perhaps God will understand if I’ll just skip for today and catch up tomorrow.”
“He’s just a special friend. Yes, we do go out a lot. But I’m quite confident that I’m not that weak to go too far in this relationship.”
As we let these subtle compromises in, they get a grip of us. We will lose the consecration God has commanded us to stay in. And in no time, these foxes will eventually rule us over.
Samson’s defeat did not come overnight. Samson lost track of the purposes of God because he loved his wife, more than he loved God. So when his wife asked of his secrets (Jdg. 14:16), he easily fell into the trap devised by the Philistines. After this sin, God was still merciful and gave him victory.
There are things in our life right now that may not seem to be harmful – Facebook, music, studies, money, sleep, or even ministry. But if we begin to spend more time on these things than we ought to, then we’re bound to fall into the same trap that caught Samson. If we grow to love them more than we love Jesus, they can become our god.
Many people who are in the ministry today think that they’re okay because God is blessing their ministry. They are allowing little compromises in, and they think God’s okay with it since He still gives them victory. Samson must have thought, “God gave me victory! He must be okay with my sin?” Brothers and sisters, this is a stupid lie of the enemy! God will never be “okay” with sin! He is holy, and holiness has nothing to do with sin. Our gauge should never be the fruits of the ministry. The one and only standard we should abide by is the Word of God! There will come a time when God will say, “My child, enough is enough!”
Are you losing the consecration God has commanded you to stay in? What are the little foxes in your life right now? What takes the place of God in your heart?
May God search our hearts today. Let us pray the prayer of David,
"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139: 23-24)
Lately, we hear many Christians say: I am so weary; I am so tired; I feel so numb. Let us be watchful in prayer, and get ourselves accountable to the brethren.

"...And in a multitude of counselors, there is safety." Proverbs 24:6

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